Meal prep for midlife

Today's topic: meal prep for midlife. At first glance, you may not realize midlife requires a different kind of meal prep. Or any meal prep at all.

But hear me out! It's important if you're feeling like you don't have time for the things you really like to do in life.

Let me put it this way: what do you wish you had more time to do? A consistent yoga practice? Long walks in nature? Quality time with your teenager?

A lot of us have a hard time finding time for the things we really love to do.

Because life is busy, our schedules are full and our to-do lists are long.

And we're stuck in survival mode, just trying to land a highly coveted parking spot in Trader Joe's so we can dash in and get something quick to heat up for dinner.

And sometimes — because of all this — we start resenting meal prep and cooking because we haven't found time for the things we *really* love.

How meal planning and prep makes your life easier

But that's exactly when meal planning and prep needs to be part of your life.

Dare I say — meal planning and prep is essential to thriving in midlife and beyond.

Yes, essential!

meal prep for midlife

Here's why:

It's important that we take care of ourselves… especially when life gets challenging or super busy.

That's because prioritizing nutrient dense, high fiber meals — rich in veggies and other plant foods — strengthens our immune system.

Our gut health.

It helps balance our hormones and even out these hot flashes or other symptoms.

It can even improve our mood.

But for most people, healthy meals can't happen without a game plan and some key habits — including 3 simple steps I talk about in this video.

So check out this video for 3 of my top time-saving meal prep tips and let me know what think!


Need more support for your healthy cooking journey?

Get on the waitlist for my monthly membership: the More Veggies Cooking Club


Each month, I provide new recipes and step-by-step cooking videos to help people learn more about healthy cooking and add yummy recipes to their rotation.

If you could use some more support for your healthy cooking game, sign up for the waitlist and I'll let you know when enrollment opens.





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