
Why green tea is good for you

Today we’re talking about why green tea is good for you. Trust me when I say that coffee’s okay, but green tea is the real wellness super hero here.  I …

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Meal prep for midlife

Today’s topic: meal prep for midlife. At first glance, you may not realize midlife requires a different kind of meal prep. Or any meal prep at all. But hear me …

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Start with veggies

In this post, I want to talk about why your next meal should start with veggies. But wait, you’re saying, what does that even mean? And why should veggies come …

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Healthy recipes for Super Bowl

Today we’re diving in to healthy recipes for Super Bowl. But before that, it’s confession time… some of our — yours, mine — Super Bowl parties of the past have …

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My chat with Menopause Made Easy

Recently I had a great conversation with Dana from Menopause Made Easy. Which made me realize that I’ve never really addressed menopause — or its cute younger cousin, perimenopause — …

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Healthy cooking with frozen veggies

Today we’re talking about cooking with frozen veggies. I know. Super-sexy topic. But first, a question: Who else here stocked up on a bunch of frozen food during the early …

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