Healthy cooking with frozen veggies

Today we’re talking about cooking with frozen veggies. I know. Super-sexy topic. But first, a question: Who else here stocked up on a bunch of frozen food during the early …

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Comfort food reinvented

This post, on the surface, is about Curried Coconut Red Lentil Soup. But, as with most things in life, it’s about something else too.  Does life seem like a lot …

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A seasonal salad for fall

She was a little high-maintenance — this seasonal salad I brought to a dinner party. The salad offered a harvest bounty of little gem lettuce, sliced radicchio and shredded napa …

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What to cook when it’s hot

What to cook when it’s hot Do you get those emails from the New York Times — the ones that say “What to Cook This Weekend?” Well, for anyone living …

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Avocado hack: freeze them!

Not ripe. Not ripe. Not ripe. Uh-oh — almost squishy! Is it just me, or is that how avocados act when they’re at your house? And what can you do when …

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Better than Botox?

Can I share a little secret? I’m one of the only people I know not doing botox… and I often wonder if I should. I mean, my “elevens” aren’t getting …

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